Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Can a number have more than one square root?

Yes. The square root of a number has two roots:

      1.   a positive root (called the principal root)
      2.   and a negative root.

To get the negative root, just multiply the positive root by -1.

Example:   the square root of 16 has two roots: 4 and -4

Note: The square root of 0 is a special case because +0 and -0 would be the square roots of 0 but both will simplify to 0. Thus, 0 has only one unique root...which is 0.

Interesting facts: The square root of a number has two roots. The cube root of a number has three roots. The fourth root of a number has four roots.

What is the square root of -1?

The square root of -1 has two roots: i and -i
(Where "i" represents an imaginary number.)

What is the square root of 0?

The square root of 0 would be: +0 and -0    ... but both +0 and -0 reduce to 0.
Thus the square root of 0 only has one unique answer...which is 0.

What is the square root of i?

The square root of i
= (square root of 2)/2 + (square root of 2)i/2
= 0.7071068 + 0.7071068i

The negative root (which is also a solution) is
= -0.7071068 - 0.7071068i

If you need to know the square root of a number...the square root calculator is here to help you.